
Sandra Brown Presented with USDA Forest Service Tropical Forest Conservation Award
June 12, 2014
Dr. Sandra Brown, chief scientist for Winrock International’s Ecosystem Services Unit, was recently presented with the USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) Tropical Forest Conservation Award in recognition of her work as the IITF’s most prolific research cooperator. Brown worked with IITF researchers starting in 1980 and jointly published more than 150 scientific […]
Gauging the impact of tropical forest logging: Winrock develops new method for quantifying carbon emissions
April 2, 2014
ARLINGTON, Va. (April 2, 2014) — Researchers at Winrock International have developed a first-of-its-kind method for estimating carbon emissions from forest degradation caused by selective logging in tropical regions. Refined over a period of 15 years and tested in six countries, the approach is highlighted in an article authored by Winrock’s Ecosystems Services experts, Timothy […]
Burkinabé Households Upgrades Traditional Well
March 13, 2014
The Zongo family spends an average of two hours each day collecting water in their village of Tiogo Mossi, Burkina Faso. Given the difficulty of obtaining water, this family of 4 adults and 13 children tries to minimize the quantity of water they use for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning. Though they raise a few pigs around the homestead, insufficient […]
Ken Andrasko Named Director of Winrock’s Ecosystem Services
March 5, 2014
ARLINGTON, Va. (March 5, 2014) — Winrock International announced today that Ken Andrasko will become the organization’s new director of Ecosystem Services, succeeding Sandra Brown, who will continue at Winrock in her role as chief scientist of the Environment Group. Andrasko formerly served as senior carbon finance & methodology specialist with the World Bank’s Carbon […]
Remarks by US Secretary of State Kerry on Climate Change and the Environment
December 31, 2013
Visiting the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam on Dec. 15, U.S. State Secretary John Kerry, spoke of the cooperation of the United States and Vietnam to “strengthen Vietnam’s resilience to the effects” of climate change. In his remarks, Kerry announced “an initial commitment of $17 million for USAID’s Vietnam Forest and Deltas Program” — a […]
Has the Idea of ‘Zero Deforestation’ Lost Its Meaning?
November 14, 2013
Separate targets for gross deforestation and reforestation would increase progress toward forest conservation, climate change mitigation goals ARLINGTON, Va. (November 14, 2013) — What exactly does “zero deforestation” mean? In an article published in the journal Science, authors Dr. Sandra Brown, of Winrock International, and Dr. Daniel Zarin, of the Climate and Land Use Alliance, […]
Multiple–use water services meet local needs for clients and create jobs for local private enterprises
March 14, 2013
Multiple use water services (MUS) is an approach for planning and designing water services that addresses not just one aspect of people’s water needs – such as drinking or growing crops – but the range of people’s domestic and productive water needs. Winrock International is implementing the MUS component of the USAID WA-WASH program and […]
Great Lakes Protection Fund Supports Innovative Partnership to Reduce Agricultural Pollutants in Milwaukee River Watershed
March 5, 2013
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (August 5, 2013) – Grant funding from the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF) will support a multi-disciplinary partnership to reduce harmful runoff from agricultural lands in the Milwaukee River Watershed. A team led by nonprofits Winrock International, Delta Institute and Sand County Foundation will direct the effort. The three-year, $957,000 grant seeks […]
AMORE Helps Mindanao Women Rebuild Their War-Torn Villages
February 11, 2013
That was 11 years ago, when more than 100,000 people (mostly women and children) had fled their homes because of air raids and fierce gun battles in an all-out war in Mindanao, in the Philippines. Today, Bai Aniza and her neighbors are sowing the seeds of peace in their own village. Winrock’s help — through […]
A Kabori Story
December 7, 2010
Ali Maman is a farmer and gardener. He lives with his three wives, Hadiza, Habiba and Nanuwa, five children, and six grandchildren in the village of Kabori, Zinder Region, in Niger. Alli’s Story “Me, before the project came, you can see the work that I used to do. It’s just some sugarcane and some squash […]