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Winrock International


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People walking through forest

Report Provides Guidance to Decision-Makers Seeking to Finance Sustainable Land Use Activities

July 21, 2015

As part of a U.S. Department of State-funded project, Winrock International has published a report – Financing Land Use Mitigation: A Practical Guide for Decision-Makers – that provides guidance to policy-makers to help them understand and facilitate the connection between emission reducing activities that require finance, instruments, and sources of funds. The report also targets […]

Dr. Do Tu Lan

June 4, 2015

This portrait is part of the Vietnam Clean Energy Program’s series on ‘women champions’ in the Vietnamese construction sector, featuring women who have made strides in this male-dominated field, coming from diverse backgrounds and with different interests, but bound together by the common themes of a strong work ethic, love of country, a strong belief […]
Men extracting palm oil

Palm Oil Extraction Equipment Creates 2,000 Jobs in Rural Liberia

May 19, 2015

Stimulated by considerably higher palm oil prices, oil palm growers have increased production in recent years in West and Central Africa. However, this increase has not been fully reflected in increased palm oil production due to low extraction rates derived from traditional manual processing methods still used by the vast majority of smallholder producers in […]

Winrock Supports Groundbreaking Policy Research on Mangrove and Wetland Conservation in Bangladesh

May 18, 2015

The Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Landscapes (CREL) project in Bangladesh has teamed with Winrock’s John D. Rockefeller 3RD (JDR 3RD) Scholars Program to commission two cutting-edge applied research projects with a direct mandate to inform national policies. The CREL/JDR 3RD Mangrove Valuation team will produce an estimate of the value of Sundarbans mangrove areas in […]
woman carrying water can

New water system brings safe, clean water to 30,000 villagers in Rwanda

March 27, 2015

A new water system in Mwiri and Rwinkwavu sectors of the Kayonza district, Rwanda, was officially inaugurated March 17 and will supply clean, safe water for 36 villages – including approximately 30,000 people, in addition to several schools, health centers and a major District hospital. The system is expected to decrease water prices – in […]

New market strategies boost incomes for resin collectors in small Cambodian village

February 24, 2015

Villagers in Poupet, a small community in Cambodia’s Mondulkiri Province, are earning more money from collecting and selling resin than ever before and are supporting their families without jeopardizing the forest resources they need to survive. But that wasn’t always the case. Low resin prices, as well as shrinking rice yields due to unsustainable farming […]

Pauline Kangoro

December 14, 2014

At 60 years old, Pauline Kangoro is leading a movement in her village. Pauline heads a group of 30 women moringa producers and together they are raising a moringa frenzy in their village of Koukouldi in central west Burkina Faso. In 2013, USAID WA-WASH identified the married mother of four as a leader in her […]
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Pioneering Standards Support Ranchers While Reducing Greenhouse Gases

November 16, 2014

New offset protocol allows credits for sequestering carbon on rangelands SAN FRANCISCO (October 16, 2014) – The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit that oversees the creation of rigorous carbon offset protocols as well as the independent registration of carbon offset projects, approved standards today that are designed to enlist ranchers in the fight against […]
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Winrock’s Elisa Derby co-authors article about maximizing the benefits of improved cookstoves

October 22, 2014

At a meeting of the Working Group to Address Increasing Adoption of Improved Cookstoves, co-hosted by the USAID-funded WASHplus and TRAction projects, several factors affecting successful cookstove adoption were identified. Recently, Winrock’s Elisa Derby contributed to a peer-reviewed article designed to address the most critical considerations identified at the meeting. The article, “Maximizing the benefits […]
Shanta’s husband, Jhagilal, was able to return from being a migrant laborer due to her increased income from selling vegetables.

Improved vegetable production practices increase incomes of smallholder farmers in Nepal

October 21, 2014

Shanta B.K., 33, lives in the Narpani, Arghakhanchi district in western Nepal with her husband and four children. She is a member of the Dalit community, a disadvantaged group in Nepal, but despite the challenges she faces, Shanta has been determined to improve her livelihood by becoming a commercial farmer. By participating in KISAN trainings […]
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