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Winrock International


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SADC Groundwater Conference: Collaboration is Key to Southern African Sustainability Goals

November 1, 2019

Experts from Southern Africa and beyond gathered recently in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the annual SADC Groudwater Conference, hosted by the Groundwater Management Institute of the Southern African Development Community. The conference focused on assessing progress toward achieving the goals set forth in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The U.N. agenda set ambitious […]

From Ancient Lands, a Modern Solution

October 31, 2019

By Lara Murray The Eel River slices through Northern California, slinking its way up the San Andreas fault. Its rocky shores are flanked by forests ranging from the magnificent redwoods of Humboldt County to the rugged oak woodlands of Mendocino County. These landscapes not only characterize California’s world-famous natural beauty but have also historically fueled […]

The Man with a Plan to End Child Labor

October 28, 2019

If you could design the person best suited for ridding the world of child labor, you’d probably come up with someone much like Dalitso Baloyi. The African regional director of the Achieving Reduction of Child Labor in Support of Education (ARISE) project, implemented in partnership with JTI, Baloyi has studied the subject and devoted much […]

Growing Businesses Through Peer Support

October 18, 2019

As busy leaders of dynamic organizations, CEOs often lament how hard it is to find the time and environment to process challenges only they can understand. “It is lonely at the top,” as they say. To meet this need, Innovate Arkansas (IA) has developed a unique series of forums that bring together Arkansas startup founders […]

Changing the Face of Clean Water Supply in Tanzania

October 17, 2019

It’s Friday morning in Hembeti, a rural village in eastern Tanzania, and Irene Lemelo is hard at work. Members of the local community update her on their progress digging trenches for water pipes, and Lemelo answers their questions about a gravity-fed water system now under construction. When she finished her engineering degree a year ago, […]

Winrock and the World Food Prize

October 14, 2019

On October 16, World Food Day, the World Food Prize will be presented to Dutch plant breeder Simon Groot, who revolutionized the tropical seed business with his company East-West Seeds. Winrock has many connections to the prize and its current laureate. The year was 1985 and the ink was barely dry on Winrock’s merger document […]

Climate Week NYC 2019: Where are we on climate finance?

October 9, 2019

Climate Week NYC  takes place every year alongside the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and could be described to a lay person as a climate event with the scale and enthusiasm equal to the combination of Lollapalooza, SXSW and Woodstock. I would have included Burning Man but for the ominous metaphorical link to global warming. […]

Winrock CEO: Companies Can Act Responsibly and Innovate Too

October 7, 2019

The Business Roundtable’s recent call to expand the notion of corporate accountability beyond shareholder value has provoked reaction across the ideological spectrum. But as Winrock CEO Rodney Ferguson writes in Arkansas Business, this statement by top American business leaders only acknowledges growing consumer demand for corporations to take a longer-term approach. By broadening the definition […]

Winrock to Lead $8.5M USDA Project to Improve Food Safety & Boost U.S.-Philippine Trade

October 4, 2019

Manila, Philippines – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has launched a new Food for Progress project to strengthen sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) regulatory systems in the Philippines. Food for Progress is a USDA program that partners with developing countries and emerging democracies committed to introducing and expanding free enterprise in the agricultural sector. […]

In Mozambique, Lean Production Principles Help Farmers Get the Information They Need

October 2, 2019

Traditionally, small farmers in Mozambique prepare their ground with a short-handled hoe and plant by hand, a labor-intensive method that constrains the area of land each farmer can cultivate. But lean production principles are beginning to change that. In the Nacala Corridor of Mozambique, nearly 3,000 farmers have started to apply new agricultural technologies, including […]
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