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Winrock International


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Engaging Stakeholders for Water Security Improvement

September 19, 2019

Freshwater is a precious and scarce resource that is increasingly threatened by over-abstraction, poor management and declining quality. But to sustain the world’s streams, rivers, lakes and aquifers, the world cannot depend on science, technology and engineering alone. Engaging and including water security stakeholders is essential to the long-term sustainability of the world’s freshwater resources, […]

Statement by Winrock President & CEO Rodney Ferguson Regarding Global Climate Strike

September 19, 2019

Winrock International supports the global climate strikes planned in tens of thousands of schools around the world this month. As a nonprofit international development organization with 150 projects across the globe — many of them promoting resilient agriculture and safeguarding critical ecosystems — we know that climate change is a defining challenge of our age. […]

Building Consensus for Transboundary Water Management

September 18, 2019

When determining how to distribute a finite resource, securing cooperation between all who depend on the resource is crucial. But how do you do that, particularly when the limited resource in question – water – is the essential building block of life? The USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership is working to address this question in the […]
Winrock News

Untapped Opportunities

September 18, 2019

Water security is a pervasive climate issue and one that has increasingly been viewed as a gendered issue. Worldwide, women and girls spend 200 million hours collecting water every day. While doing so, they place themselves at increased risk of assault and become more likely to develop medical issues related to physical labor. They also pay an opportunity cost, […]

Pulling for Forests in Vietnam

September 12, 2019

The wheels are spinning, but the vehicle is going nowhere. It’s rainy season in Vietnam, and dirt roads have become rivers of mud. It’s not uncommon for a vehicle to become mired in the muck. But in this case, the vehicle holds much-needed funds that won’t be delivered to community-based forest owners unless a team […]

JDR3 Spotlight: Naing Lin Oo

September 10, 2019

Can you tell us a bit about yourself — where you come from and how you came to work in your current field?My name is Naing Lin Oo. I worked for the Department of Agricultural Planning under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation after graduating from Yezin Agricultural University in Myanmar in 1999. I […]

First Steps to Design an Emissions Reduction Pathway in Madre de Dios

September 6, 2019

About the Region Madre de Dios, translated as Mother of God, is a region in the southeast of Peru and receives its name from the main river of the region. It is 85 300 km2 and, with a population of approximately 140,000 inhabitants, is the least densely populated region of the country. Forestry, oil and mining, […]

‘If you want to find a job, go to Bong Pheak.’

August 26, 2019

It took Chea Daneth, 22, only one week to find a receptionist job in Phnom Penh using Bong Pheak, an innovative internet-based employment service for low-skilled and unskilled factory, construction and hospitality workers. The service, created as part of USAID’s Cambodia Countering Trafficking-in-Persons program, implemented by Winrock, works by combining different technologies like the web, […]

Clinicpass Breaks Through With Help From Innovate Arkansas

August 22, 2019

Tracy Cornwell Simpson had worked in medical device and pharmaceutical sales for years when she spotted an opportunity. She noticed that medical clinics and industry groups kept expressing concerns about a 2010 federal law aimed at increasing transparency around visits to clinics by pharmaceutical representatives. Thus was born Simpson’s company, a web-based service called Clinicpass […]

FreeArm Makes Leap From Concept To Market

August 22, 2019

Innovate Arkansas adviser Grejuana “G” Dennis recalls being captivated the first time she heard Misti and Will Staley pitch their product, the FreeArm. Similar in appearance to a clamp-on bedside lamp, FreeArm is an attachable device that enables hands-free tube feeding. The Staleys developed it after the death of their infant son, Freeman. Inspired by the […]
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