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Winrock International


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From ADC Scholar to a Lifetime of Service in Nepal

September 7, 2017

By Chris Warren Although he had always been a top student, there was one test Hari Upadhyaya desperately wanted to fail. As a young civil servant working for Nepal’s Department of Agriculture in the 1980s, Upadhyaya plotted out a career path that he hoped would include earning an advanced degree in agricultural science that he […]

Former Volunteer Tells All

August 30, 2017

For the last 26 years, Winrock has facilitated more than 5,000 volunteer assignments in 58 countries as part of the USAID John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program – but what does volunteering mean in a development context? Who typically volunteers with Winrock, and what do they do? Jen Snow, Winrock’s associate director of […]

Innovative Pay-For-Performance Program Rewards Farmers For Improving Water Quality

August 29, 2017

Winrock International is pleased to announce the publication of Pay-For-Performance Conservation: A How-To Guide, a free comprehensive guide to implementing and managing Pay-For-Performance (PFP) conservation programs. The guide is based on Winrock’s decade of experience pioneering PFP conservation, including the Milwaukee River Pay-For-Performance Project, which reduced phosphorus losses by as much as 40 percent from […]

Winrock’s American Carbon Registry Has Issued Over 100 Million Tonnes of Carbon Offset Credits

August 23, 2017

SACRAMENTO, CA, August 21, 2017 – The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a non-profit enterprise of Winrock International, is proud to announce it has issued more than 100 million tonnes of carbon offset credits—the equivalent of  taking over 21 million cars off the road for a year. Each credit represents a metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas […]

Water from the Sun

August 15, 2017

By Chris Warren From the hillside where Bhim Gurung stands on a sodden August afternoon, water would seem to be the least of his worries. It’s not just that a light drizzle continuously falls on the already glistening trees and grass that surround Gurung’s small village of Taule in the southern province of Surkhet in […]

Sustainable Water Partnership Launches

August 9, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 8, 2017 –, launched by the USAID Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), led by Winrock International, will enable greater access to information and resources about global water security. Through the aggregation of water security news and innovations, and the publication of original resources and toolkits, will foster public-private collaboration across […]

What is Water Security?

August 7, 2017

By Eric Viala, Sustainable Water Partnership Director Water fuels every aspect of life. It’s essential for basic health and hygiene, and it drives society’s most essential industries: agriculture, energy and transportation. Without water security there can be no national security. In fact, water is essential to the stability of every country on the planet. Understanding […]

Breaking New Ground

July 28, 2017

Joel Gordon grew up in North Little Rock and remembers a time when its downtown area — dubbed Argenta  — was “the area of town that you tried not to be caught in.” These days, though, Argenta is “absolutely blooming.” Gordon, now the executive director of the Innovation Hub at Winrock International, is seeing the […]

‘We Protect the Forest as We Protect Our Lives’

July 24, 2017

Mrs. San Vansen is 55 years old and has five children. She is the deputy chief of Ent Chey Community Forest Management Committee (CFMC), Sambor District, Kratie Province. Vansen (pictured above, yellow shirt, center) helps lead 222 community forest members, almost half of whom are women, in the struggle to protect their forest. Vansen has […]

Views from the Forest

July 11, 2017

Sao Sam Art was born in 1980 in Thalaborivath District, Stung Treng Province. He became chief of the Phnom Prasat Community Forest Management Committee (CFMC) in 2009, and is also deputy-chief of Anlong Svay Village and a secretary of the Stung Treng Provincial Community Forestry Network. Through the USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project (SFB), […]
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