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Winrock International


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The Systemic Nature of Vulnerability to Trafficking for Kyrgyz Labor Migrants

The research behind this report is the third in a series of projects in partnership between Humanity Research Consultancy and Winrock International, which has been funded by USAID through its Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons (Asia CTIP) program. The first project explored how survivors of trafficking in Bangladesh and Cambodia understood and experienced the reintegration […]

FSTIP at a Glance

The USAID funded and Winrock International implemented Fight Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons (FSTIP) Activity is a 10 million dollar and five-year (July 2021 – June 2026) project. The project represents an important milestone in Bangladesh’s journey to self-reliance, which is a 15-year partnership between Winrock, USAID, and the Government of Bangladesh and civil society to pioneer […]

FSTIP Newsletter Issue 2

We are delighted to announce the second edition of the USAID’s FSTIP Activity newsletter, which shares a glimpse of the previous three quarters’ highlights and an overview of our achievements. We were honored to welcome a delegation from USAID to FSTIP working areas in Sylhet. The USAID team spent time visiting our incredible peer leaders, […]

Autumn 2023 Quarterly Newsletter

 Trafficking in persons (TIP) in Central Asia is both an internal and cross-border issue that requires regional cooperation. Through the Safe Migration in Central Asia (SMICA) activity, USAID Сentral Asia increases the capacity of migration and Countering TIP (CTIP) stakeholders to coordinate efforts on safe migration, enhance regional information sharing, and harmonize legal frameworks of […]

Quarterly Newsletter 3

 Governments and parliaments undertook a number of legal reforms related to trafficking in persons (TIP) and migration. In Kazakhstan, an intersectoral working group continued work on a law on countering trafficking in persons (CTIP) and the government adopted new visa regulations for migrant workers. In Kyrgyzstan, the president signed into law amendments to the CTIP […]

Autumn 2022 Quarterly Newsletter

 The Safe Migration in Central Asia (SMICA) Activity took efforts to provide further support to vulnerable families, returned migrants, victims of labor and sexual exploitation, victims of trafficking, and to inform potential labor migrants of the ways to migrate safely, as Covid-19 related restrictions were lifted.  Sanctions imposed on Russia caused tens of thousands of […]

Spring 2022 Quarterly Newsletter

 It is known that safe migration is one of the key elements in tackling human trafficking, as traffickers often do use vulnerability of migrants. SMICA collaborates with governments in Central Asia to strengthen policies and regulations preventing human trafficking. In Turkmenistan SMICA supported the development of the 2021-2025 National Action Plan for Human Rights (NAP […]
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