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Legal and Institutional Barriers Faced by Human Trafficking Survivors to Access Justice in Nepal Policy Brief

Survivors of human trafficking in Nepal face extreme challenges to access justice. Many are still waiting to begin the process and those who are mid-process continue to encounter multiple legal and institutional barriers.

Justice to Survivors of Trafficking in Persons: Analysis of Legal and Institutional Barriers in Nepal

Nepal is one of the most highly affected countries regarding human trafficking (HT); however, the country does not have a centralized and updated database on HT. The estimated HT data was conducted in 2022 by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) with around 35,000 persons affected, which included a high number of women (15,000) and […]

Roundtable Forum Case Study May 16 2022

Under the USAID Thailand CTIP project, World Vision and local partners hosted Roundtable Forums in Chiang Rai and Surat Thani for migrants, local government, CSOs, employers, community leaders, and youth to identify challenges in the migrant labor protection system and develop recommendations. These activities served as an attempt to shift the approaches of policymakers and […]

A Study on Service Provision for Gender Minorities in Shelters for Human Trafficking Survivors in Thailand

This study on Service Provision for Gender and Sexual Minorities in Shelters for Human Trafficking Survivors in Thailand aims to: understand the existing policies and procedures for providing services to this group in specialized TIP shelters in Thailand; and provide recommendations on how to meet their needs better.

Emerging Patterns in the use of Technology for Labour Trafficking in Southeast Asia

This report was originally conceived to be an exploratory analysis of case data on trafficking and exploitation in Southeast Asia that begins online, trying to understand if recruitment is occurring via social media, messaging apps and websites and, if so, in which countries and to what extent. We attempted to examine and analyze information on […]

Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South: Evaluating Systems and Reducing Barriers to Entry

The U.S. Mid-South region has seen only nominal growth in organic production due in part to the lack of geographically specific production information. The most significant barriers include complex organic crop management and pest control, and the organic certification process.

Introduction to USDA Organic Certification

What is Organic? A labelling term indicating that food or products were produced by approved methods. Farming practices that Integrate biological, cultural, and mechanical practices to foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Excludes synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, irradiation, GMOs. Differs from other industry labels: free-range, cage-free, natural, grass-fed, pasture raised, humane.

ATLAS Snapshot: Contributing to Thailand’s National Referral Mechanism

In Thailand, the National Referral Mechanism provides guidelines and mechanisms for the provision of protection and assistance to human trafficking victims and potential victims to agencies across the Thai government. Its completion was a significant advance in combatting human trafficking in the country and contributed to the removal of Thailand from the U.S. State Department’s […]

ATLAS Snapshot: Expanding Law Enforcement Actions in Thailand

ATLAS aimed to improve enforcement of laws at the organizational and systemic levels and did so by working with and supporting government agencies holistically. One such agency is Thailand’s Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA), an arm of the Ministry of the Interior that leads law enforcement operations outside Bangkok and training of provincial law enforcement […]

ATLAS Snapshot: Improving Police Training in Paraguay

Across countries, ATLAS prioritized working with justice-sector training academies to improve enforcement of laws through education of police, prosecutors, judges, and other enforcement actors. These academies have the capacity and mandate to train police and other officials year after year and are well positioned to appropriate and replicate training programs developed by ATLAS into the […]
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