
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture visits Arkansas to promote Winrock partnership and historic USDA investments to expand climate-smart agriculture
September 21, 2022
Breylan Portwood, a young Black farmer from Brinkley, Ark., seemed surprised when U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asked if he would mind standing to be recognized. The secretary was in the middle of a panel discussion about a set of ambitious new USDA-funded climate-smart agriculture and markets projects soon to be started in Arkansas and […]
U.S. Small business owners, take 10 minutes to describe your past year
September 21, 2022
Owners and key financial decision-makers of for-profit businesses, share your recent experiences. Did your business seek financing such as loans or lines of credit in the last 12 months? How would you rate the financial condition of your business? The Federal Reserve’s 2022 Small Business Credit Survey is open for responses, and Winrock International is […]
Winrock CEO appointed co-chair of EXIM Bank’s Council on Climate; Winrock Board Chair Jude Kearney to lead EXIM’s Sub-Saharan Africa Advisory Committee
September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022 ─ The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) announced it has named Winrock International President and CEO Rodney Ferguson co-chair of the bank’s council on climate and Winrock International Board Chair Jude Kearney chair of the bank’s sub-Saharan Africa advisory committee. Ferguson was first appointed to EXIM’s climate council last year. […]
Financing Renewable Energy: Supporting Low-Carbon Economic Development and Fighting Climate Change
August 4, 2022
Kathmandu perches at an elevation above 4,300 feet in Nepal inside a valley rimmed by the Himalayas. Its population of 1.4 million is growing at about 4% each year. As the teeming city expands, its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are also rising. At one point in 2021, Kathmandu ranked among the top 10 […]
Fighting Human Trafficking and Migrant Exploitation in Cyber Space
July 27, 2022
In many countries around the world, people seek hope and improved livelihoods beyond their communities, even if it means leaving family and friends behind. They’ll migrate to earn remittances to send home: money for a grandparent’s operation, a sister’s school fees, or to help parents pay for food and housing. Human traffickers prey on these aspirations. […]
Building inclusive economic and community development ecosystems in the rural South
July 8, 2022
With the pandemic beginning to enshroud everything and everyplace, including her hometown of England, Ark., Vickie Woodard, retired music teacher, DIYer and aspiring entrepreneur, wondered how she would make it. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” she says. “It wasn’t just COVID. It was George Floyd too.” Woodard is a Black woman in her fifties […]
The Climate Q&A…
June 21, 2022
You are Winrock’s first senior advisor for climate change. What’s included in your remit? Winrock has a long history of thought leadership and program implementation that empowers local communities, governments, civil society, and the private sector to mitigate and adapt to climate change. So, the good news is that although I am technically “the first” senior […]
Nina Etyemezian Named Winrock’s Senior Director of Human Rights, Education & Empowerment
June 7, 2022
Winrock International is pleased to announce that Nina Etyemezian has been named senior director of its Human Rights, Education & Empowerment (HREE) group. Over the past two decades, Nina has worked for a broad array of nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and government and multilateral agencies. Nina has provided strategic planning, technical support and business growth […]
Building Safe Food Systems, Protecting Public Health and Improving Agricultural Trade Prospects in the Philippines
June 7, 2022
Dagupan City sits on the Lingayen Gulf, about 135 miles due north of Manila in the Philippines. It has been a regional market center for centuries but has recently gained wider fame as “the Bangus Capital of the World.” Bangus, also known as milkfish, is one of the oldest farmed fish species in Asia. Over […]
Partnering with Vietnam on Environmental Protection, Pollution Reduction and Climate Action
May 17, 2022
Winrock’s collaboration with communities, businesses and government in Vietnam on environmental initiatives ranging from forest and water protection to policy development and pollution prevention stretches back two decades. Today, as Vietnam pursues ambitious new environmental goals including its recent public commitment to achieve net zero by 2050, continued and deepened engagement is more important than […]