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Winrock International


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SWP Leader Discusses Water Data on Podcast

March 20, 2020

Dr. Rodolfo Camacho, the project director/chief of party for the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP), spoke recently on the Wilson Center’s Water Stories podcast about using data to enhance water security. Implemented by Winrock International, SWP provides technical services and program implementation to advance USAID global water security thought leadership and innovation. The discussion covered several subjects, […]

Coming Through Loud and Clear

March 13, 2020

In a hospital bed at Great River Medical Center in Blytheville, a farming community in rural northeast Arkansas, a patient tells Dr. Darren Sommer that her stomach hurts. A nurse named Emily applies a stethoscope. “That sounds good,” Sommer says. “I’m going to let Emily push on your belly. Please let me know if you […]

Boosting Women in Bangladesh

March 4, 2020

At Winrock, a cross-cutting theme throughout our projects is promoting the role of women through education and leadership development.  This is a story of how leadership training transformed one woman and — and through her, the village and region she represents. It was originally published in May, 2018. Photos by Misty Keasler “I have helped […]

Winrock International at COP25

February 28, 2020

Winrock International has long been a leading voice at the annual United Nations Climate Change Conferences. Former Winrock board member Christiana Figueres brokered the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, and Winrock President and CEO Rodney Ferguson has publicly pledged to continue upholding its goals. At the most recent climate meeting, COP 25, held in Madrid last […]

Working Together for Water Security in Cambodia

February 26, 2020

Population growth, deforestation, agricultural pollution and climate variability are threatening water security in Cambodia’s Stung Chinit River Watershed. To address these issues, the USAID-funded Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP) is implementing a stakeholder-driven water-security improvement process. SWP, which is implemented by Winrock International, and partners have conducted studies to determine the condition of water quality, biodiversity and […]

A Fruitful Partnership

February 24, 2020

Philanthropies’ crucial early support of Winrock International’s work continues to benefit the organization — and the world. It’s been a decade since the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) helped fund Winrock’s entry into the California carbon market through its American Carbon Registry (ACR) enterprise. The grant supported the development of an ACR office and staff […]
Winrock News

Indonesia Honors Winrock Scientist’s Conservation Efforts

February 19, 2020

The smoke came into his house and stayed, obscuring each room like an indoor fog. Inside, Arif Budiman watched his young children cry as they struggled to breathe in the dry-season heat. Outside the city where Budiman and his family lived in Sumatra, Indonesia’s largest island, stretched a landscape on fire. Ancient wetlands, drained to […]

Winrock and Kasetsart

February 19, 2020

A Winrock Legacy Story  Winrock International’s connection with Thailand’s Kasetsart University began before Winrock itself. Only 12 years after Kasetsart was established in 1943, one of Winrock’s founding organizations, the New York City-based Agricultural Development Council (then known as the Council on Economic and Cultural Affairs), began helping Kasetsart University form an agricultural economics program.  It was […]

Practical Imagination

February 14, 2020

A Winrock Legacy Story Winrock Chairman and CEO Rodney Ferguson was recently asked to reflect on Winrock International’s legacy and to give an overview of its current work. Here are his prepared remarks: Hello, and thank you for having me here. It’s an honor and a pleasure to talk with you today about Winrock International. […]

New Health Tech Could Revolutionize Cardiac Arrest Recovery

February 11, 2020

Louisiana-based health tech startup NeuroRescue is developing an innovative device to preserve brain function following cardiac arrest. From a pool of 139 applicants, NeuroRescue is one of 19 startups selected to participate in the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA)-funded Accelerate South start up accelerator. In the Acadiana region of Louisiana, the regional economy has been […]
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