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Winrock International


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Speaking Her Mind

July 23, 2019

When word filtered through To Dy’s village in 2009 that she planned to build a latrine in her aging house, her neighbors struggled to suppress their laughter. Like her, they had never used a latrine growing up. When people saved extra money, they used it to renovate or enlarge their homes. What was she thinking? […]

Mother, Farmer, Leader

July 23, 2019

For decades, Rom Sareun balanced a life split between work and family, farming rice with her husband and caring for her six children. When her husband unexpectedly died in 2002, she shouldered his responsibilities, harnessing their cow and tilling the fields behind a heavy plow. Her youngest son was only seven. The hard work of […]
Winrock News

Putting New Skills to Use for Her Community

July 23, 2019

A bright afternoon sun blankets the village of Chanlahorng as visitors approach a cluster of wood-frame houses surroundinga dirt courtyard. Wearing a black T-shirt and a yellow patterned skirt, Sin Phally sets out a tea pot, drinking glasses and bottles of water for her guests. Then Phally, a rice farmer and mother of two, begins […]

Tren Al Sur: Coming to America – And Bringing Food

July 23, 2019

In 2019 the Arkansas Women’s Business Center at Winrock International piloted Momentum, a first-of-its-kind business accelerator targeting minority women in Arkansas. Momentum provided 10 minority woman-owned businesses with professional development training, mentorship and $500 in seed funding for business development. The five-week accelerator led to the launch and expansion of 10 new minority woman-owned businesses […]

An Award-Winning Partnership in Ghana Strengthens Land Tenure and the Global Cocoa Supply

June 28, 2019

The vast majority of cocoa consumed in America comes from only two countries – Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. What happens there has an outsized influence on America’s chocolate supply. Yet in Ghana, the supply has been under threat like never before, as up to 40 percent of cocoa farms suffer from low productivity, with many […]

The International Agricultural Development Service

June 13, 2019

A Winrock Legacy Story The International Agricultural Development Service (IADS) was created by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1975 to build a bridge between agricultural research and practice in the developing world. In 1985, IADS, the Agricultural Development Council (A/D/C) and the Winrock International Livestock Research and Training Center merged to create Winrock International. We are grateful […]

Tailor Made for Success

June 10, 2019

When John Ayivor of Kansakrom, Ghana, left junior high school, the last year of compulsory education in his country, his future looked bleak. As the eighth of 11 children born to poor cocoa farmers, Ayivor knew he would not be able to go to secondary school. He hoped to become a mason, but he had […]

JDR3 Scholars: The Journey Forward

June 10, 2019

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your research?My name is Dr. Armi Susandi from the Bandung Institute of Technology’s Department of Meteorology. In 2010, I got support from Winrock International to conduct a research study to develop a rainfall model that would provide extension agents and farmers with detailed information on […]

Staging a Brighter Future in Malawi

June 10, 2019

An angry father is pushing his two children into hazardous labor. “You should drop out of school, go to a farm and find work,” he says. Although they try to reason with him — “school is important,” they plead — they end up in the fields with a taskmaster of a boss. Luckily, there is […]

Panel Addresses Water as a Tool for Resilience in Times of Crisis

June 3, 2019

Water security professionals discussed the latest thinking about water’s impact on fragile regions in a recent panel discussion, “Water as a Tool for Resilience in Times of Crisis,” held at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., and co-hosted by Winrock International. The event was the second of three programs on water security that Winrock is producing […]
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