Investing in Earth with organic agriculture, locally
May 25, 2023
Meredith Martin-Moats, a local food advocate and farmer from Yell County, Arkansas, who raises mealworms and flowers, hopped in her car in Harkey Valley and drove 20 minutes south to the Yell County Extension Office for a workshop on organic agriculture and markets. She’d heard about the Winrock International event on Facebook and hoped to […]Helping Pakistan’s farmers find new markets – at home
May 19, 2023
Smallholder farmers in Pakistan are facing severe economic stressors. Catastrophic flooding, ongoing COVID fallout, and rising prices combined with exchange rate imbalances and political upheaval have all made it harder for farmers to grow food, find buyers and earn decent income. These are huge problems in a country where an estimated 40% of the population depends […]Connections change lives: How Winrock International, International Medical Corps and Concordia are rebuilding the Heartland after April’s devastating storms
May 4, 2023
The sounds are what stick in Linsley’s mind the most. At first, it was the howling wind and the crash and shatter of buildings falling apart, trees falling, and rain and rock pelting the house. Then the sirens, as first responders came on the scene. Then the rescue helicopters. Then the machinery and generators of […]Winrock’s Aaron Sundsmo joins Devex panel on water security and climate-smart solutions
March 30, 2023
Aaron Sundsmo, Winrock’s associate vice president for Agriculture, Resilience and Water, spoke about Winrock’s approach to strengthening water security and supporting climate change adaptation through climate-resilient agriculture practices at Devex’s WASH Works 2023. The Devex panel on March 23rd was held in parallel with the UN 2023 Water Conference to examine “ways in which water, […]The Climate Q&A…
March 20, 2023
What is ONE-SL, and what excites you most about the project and its progress in supporting emission reductions from reducing deforestation? The Offset National Emissions through Sustainable Landscapes (ONE-SL) project aims to support countries in developing an operational jurisdictional REDD+ program with nested projects that can attract private sector funding. REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions […]Ukraine’s heroines: Women leaders provide critical services amid catastrophic war
March 14, 2023
The destruction, danger and loss of life in Ukraine today is too vast to measure, but statistics give some sense of scope. One year into Russia’s expanded war against Ukraine, the U.N. is reporting 18 million people in need and 21,793 civilian casualties, including 8,173 civilian deaths – numbers that the U.N. itself acknowledges represent […]USAID Administrator Samantha Power visits women-led partner of Winrock International in Vietnam
March 13, 2023
During her recent trip to Vietnam, USAID Administrator Samantha Power kicked off International Women’s Day with a visit to a women-led startup firm partnering with the USAID Reducing Pollution activity implemented by Winrock International. The five-year USAID Reducing Pollution project supports locally driven initiatives to sustainably reduce environmental pollution in the country through a collective […]I was once a victim of human trafficking. Now I help bring other victims home safely from Cambodia to Bangladesh.
March 1, 2023
I am a survivor of human trafficking and modern slavery. From April-September 2022, I was forced to work in a scamming compound in Sihanoukville, Cambodia and was sold 4 times for as much as $10,000 to different companies that operated within the compound. It was a hell-like experience as the compounds used violence to control […]Building on USAID investments in education
February 6, 2023
Positive change is visible in the village of Selly thanks to community leadership and investment. The arrival of USAID Mali Girls Leadership and Empowerment through Education (GLEE) in Selly sparked genuine enthusiasm for education throughout the community, especially for adolescent girls’ education, which had not been a priority for most families. Like many other villages […]Protecting peatlands while shifting toward sustainable palm oil production
February 2, 2023
Each year, February 2nd marks the anniversary of the signing of the Ramsar Convention, now celebrated as World Wetlands Day. Signed by 90% of the world’s governments, the treaty aims to galvanize global action to prevent destruction of wetlands and conserve ecosystems. Protecting the world’s remaining wetlands is critical because they provide vital ecosystem services, […]