
The Climate Q&A…
June 10, 2021
Can you each tell us a little about yourselves and how you became interested in child labor issues? Julie: Growing up, I always had an interest in places, cultures, languages, and people beyond the confines of my neighborhood, school, and community. I sought out opportunities to understand others’ life circumstances, which helped broaden my perspective. […]
Power of Place: Winrock Fosters Revitalization and Innovation in Rural Arkansas
June 7, 2021
In the rear of an empty city lot in downtown Stuttgart, Arkansas, population 9,195, five school-aged kids sit down and quietly erect a giant Jenga tower. It’s just there, waiting to be built on a Saturday morning, so they do. Over on the side, a young couple plops into a pair of chairs facing an […]
A Mentor Girls Can Trust
June 3, 2021
Arabe Touré has built trust with girls in communities around Mali’s large Sadiola Gold Mine. Most of the girls have little knowledge of menstrual hygiene practices. In traditional Malian society, parents do not discuss such sensitive topics with their children, especially with girls. Menstrual hygiene remains very sensitive in Mali, with many girls dropping out […]
Winrock’s Jessica Orrego Testifies on Opportunities to Address Climate Change on Public and Private Lands
May 20, 2021
To view the full committee hearing, click here. The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, was founded in 1996 as the first private voluntary greenhouse gas registry in the world. Our mission is to create confidence in the scientific integrity of carbon offsets in order to accelerate transformational actions that reduce […]
Key Lessons Learned from SWP Pilot Activities in the Mara River and Stung Chinit Basins
May 19, 2021
SWP is pleased to present five new case studies that document lessons learned from its pilot activities in the Mara River Basin in Kenya and Tanzania and the Stung Chinit Basin in Cambodia. Each case study highlights how SWP applied its Water Security Improvement (WSI) Process to address key water security challenges in the basins […]
Launch of the Water Allocation Plan for the Lower Mara River Basin
May 18, 2021
The Lake Victoria Basin Water Board (LVBWB), in coordination with the Ministry of Water of Tanzania, launched a groundbreaking water allocation plan (WAP) in the country’s portion of the Mara River Basin, shared with its northern neighbor, Kenya. The decisions agreed to in the WAP were arrived at after three years of scientific studies and […]
U.S. News Op-Ed: Growing Climate Solutions Act Could Help U.S. Farmers and Forests
May 12, 2021
Private landowners can help achieve truly scalable climate action in the United States. By recognizing these essential actors, the Growing Climate Solutions Act (GCSA), which was reintroduced recently with broad bipartisan support, is a welcome sign of progress. The act seeks to break down barriers for farmers and foresters interested in participating in carbon markets […]
Women Empowering Girls in Kayes
May 6, 2021
Penda Traoré knows how to bring children together in Medine, a rural community in the Kayes region of Mali where agriculture and gold mining predominate. As a mentor, Penda leads weekly sessions promoting education with more than 40 girls between the ages of 10 and 19, including some who are married. Penda’s secret: She sends […]
What Businesses Operating in Vietnam Can Do about Climate Risk
April 22, 2021
All companies with business operations or supply chains in Vietnam need to know that the country is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change — and need to be aware of the ways they can build resilience. Just last October, two mega-typhoons flooded communities, displaced families, and took lives in what is becoming an all too familiar […]
The Climate Q&A…
March 23, 2021
How did you become interested in water issues? After college graduation, I joined the Peace Corps, which put me in water and sanitation for two years in Peru. After that I attended graduate school to study public administration. I joined Winrock in 2013 on a fellowship with the Congressional Hunger Center to work on food […]