ATLAS Resources
Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, the Attaining Lasting Change for Better Enforcement of Labor and Criminal Law to Address Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (ATLAS) project worked with governments in Thailand, Liberia, Paraguay, and Argentina to improve their ability to address child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking through strengthened laws, regulations, and policies; improved enforcement of existing laws; and increased coordination between actors. Winrock partnered with the NGOs Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB), Partners of the Americas (POA), and Desarrollo y Autogestión (DyA), and across countries, ATLAS implemented 18 unique sets of activities.
This site provides evidence-based tools, strategies, and methodologies developed as part of the project at the global and country levels. These tools and strategies aimed to enhance the capacity of government and non-government actors to strengthen their legal frameworks, improve enforcement efforts, and promote coordination between law enforcement and other agencies to prevent child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking crimes.
Global Enforcement Training Program
The Global ETP is a detailed manual to train front-line workers, including labor inspectors, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and other government and civil society workers, on the various steps in enforcing laws and investigating and prosecuting child labor and trafficking crimes. It was created to serve as a guiding resource to develop tailored training materials for each country context according to their needs.
The “Breaking a Vicious Cycle” video and accompanying discussion guide have been developed to be employed by facilitators at local level, in-person events in Thai communities at risk for child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking or where these phenomena are known to occur. By using the video and the guide participants will Understand the concepts and dangers of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking, Be able to identify cases of child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking in their communities and know how to report cases of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking.
Breaking Vicious Discussion Guide (English)
Breaking Vicious Discussion Guide (Thai)
Thailand Coordination Practice Manual
The Coordination Practice Manual, is a document to strengthen coordination among law enforcement and social protection entities in addressing CL, FL, and HT by outlining coordination procedures with a focus on labor inspectors and their relations with other agencies and actors. ATLAS worked closely with the MSDHS and the Ministry of Labor’s Labor Inspectorate to develop the Guide.
Thailand PGCL 2nd Edition
The Guide was created by and for authorities such as labor inspectors, immigration officers, and other law enforcement officers to assist them in differentiating forced labor from human trafficking and better enforce Thai law on forced labor and child labor
The ETP is a detailed manual contextualized to the Thai context to train front-line workers, including labor inspectors, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and other government and civil society workers, on the various steps in enforcing laws and investigating and prosecuting child labor and trafficking crimes.
Thailand ETP (English Version)
Atlas ETP Facilitation Guide
Module 1 Identification
Module 2 Investigation
Module 3 Referral
Module 4 Prosecution
Module 5 Sentencing
Thailand ETP (Thai Version)
Facilitator Guide
Module 1 Identification
Module 2 Investigation
Module 3 Referral
Module 4 Prosecution
Module 5 Sentencing
Paraguay ETP Manual
The ETP is a detailed manual contextualized to the Paraguay context to train front-line workers, including labor inspectors, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and other government and civil society workers, on the various steps in enforcing laws and investigating and prosecuting child labor and trafficking crimes.
Paraguay Community Referral Booklet
This booklet was developed as a resource to provide journalists with the definitions of CL, FL, and HT and recommendations of how to draft articles that properly address human rights, labor rights, and the restitution of victims’ rights.
Compensation for Damages to Victims of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Trafficking in Persons
This set of analyses and recommendations for the Paraguayan justice system on compensation or damages to victims of child labor, forced labor, and trafficking in persons is the result of the ATLAS Living Lab. The Living Lab was a participatory approach to learning, knowledge sharing, and the development of solutions in which a diverse group of stakeholders engaged in hands-on and participatory activities in order to explore innovative responses to shared challenges was focused in Paraguay on damages to victims.
Paraguay Living Lab Methodology
The Multi-Agency Unified Enforcement Procedures to Address CL, FL, and HT (MAUEP) were a document developed to improve coordination between government agencies and streamline enforcement procedures relating to CL, FL, and HT, which have their own different procedures depending on the crime. To support development and implementation of this document, ATLAS developed training materials for local-level actors, compiled into this Training Guide.
Diploma Course in Comprehensive Approaches to Child Labor
The Commission for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor (COPRETI) of Buenos Aires province leads and coordinates child labor work at the provincial level. ATLAS developed for COPRETI a six-hour diploma course on comprehensive approaches to child labor, particularly in the garment sector, to be embedded in its training programs.
Resources on Approaches to Trafficking in Persons in the Garment Sector
The General Directorate for the Accompaniment, Orientation, and Protection of Victims (DOVIC) is a federal agencies within the national Public Ministry that attends to victims of crimes. ATLAS developed for DOVIC a six-hour course on trafficking in persons in the garment sector.
Trafficking in Persons and Child labor in the Garment Sector
The University Institute of the Federal Police of Argentina (IUPFA) trains and prepares policemen to detect, investigate, and combat crimes. ATLAS developed for IUPFA sixteen-hour virtual training course for citizen security, criminology, and law students on trafficking in persons and child labor in the garment sector.
Mapping Ourselves: Child Labor in the Garment Sector
The ATLAS project implemented a participatory community mapping process known as Social Cartography, in which local residents and stakeholders help to map and understand the geographic, social, economic and cultural space and its dynamics to identify priority areas for work. ATLAS utilized this methodology around child labor in the garment sector in the municipality of Lomas de Zamora and based on this experience developed a methodology and training module on the social cartography process for the Commission for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor (COPRETI) of Buenos Aires province.
Advances and Challenges in Assistance to Affected Persons in the Garment Sector
The Victims Rescue Program (PRV) of the province of Buenos Aires is responsible for attention to victims of trafficking in persons. ATLAS developed for the PRV a guide to coordinate with local municipality to better provide attention and care.
Liberia Child Labor Monitoring System Standard Operating Procedures
These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) outline procedures, pathways, and formats for escalating identified cases of child labor to the national agencies that prosecute these crimes and provide services to victims. They also outline and standardize how the a child labor monitoring system (CLMS) system will function in Liberia.
Liberia Training of Trainers Curriculum
This curriculum for a training of trainers (ToT) program on child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking focuses on local and grassroots actors outside of Monrovia such as town and village chiefs, religious leaders, youth groups, women’s groups, CSOs, local government officials, and others. The curriculum was delivered to the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Affairs.
Liberia Training of Trainers Flipchart
To support the training of training curriculum, ATLAS developed a flipchart to assist local actors in training their communities in child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking.
Liberia Enforcement Training Program Manual
The ETP is a detailed manual contextualized to the Liberian context to train front-line workers, including labor inspectors, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and other government and civil society workers, on the various steps in enforcing laws and investigating and prosecuting child labor and trafficking crimes.
Funding for the ATLAS project is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL‐32821-18-75-K. 100% of the total costs of the project is financed with USG federal funds, for a total of $8.8 million. This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the United States Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the United States Government.